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Career Development Workshop Orientation Programme - Learn about the international students council, roles and activities

25 Jan 2020

Post-Event Summary Report

Event Name: Workshop on Career Development

Date: 25th Jan 2020

Time: 10am to 1:20pm

Venue: Pharmacy Seminar Hall

Trainer: Sukanya maam

  • Number of Person Attending: 105

Purpose of the Event

  1. Improving students’ knowledge.
  2. Guiding participants about their career to help them in near future.

Summary of the Event

On January 25th 2020 took place the workshop on career development in Pharmacy Seminar Hall, the following were the sequences of the event:

  • Welcoming the ISO coordinator and Reju maam in their absence.
  • Speech by academic secretary regarding the workshop and as well welcoming the trainer on the stage.
  • Speech by academic secretary was consist of importance of the career development in their present and future life.
  • Interactive sessions between students and trainer.
  • Entertainment activities by trainer to make sure students are not getting bored.
  • The workshop was consist of two half and in between a break toke place which participants got refreshments.

During the workshop 105 students has attend the training session in which around 30 were international students of Krupanidhi and 5 international students from different colleges and apart were students from different blocks of krupanidhi institution.

In conclusion, the workshop was a great success.



International Students Council 2019-202