MA Journalism and Communication is designed to provide high-quality journalistic education, maintaining an optimum balance between theory and practice. This master’s degree programs is designed to equip the students with knowledge in handling the latest technology advancement in media, with a balanced curriculum that challenges students to confront contemporary issues in media theory, cultural issues, research, policy, and management. To provide them practical knowledge about the industry, we also ensure to bring several eminent personalities from the media industry. Practical papers are reporting, editing, newspaper and layout designing. Students are given hands-on experience through our in-house monthly magazine and other periodicals. The course stimulates the students to become media professionals such as reporters, editors, PROs, advertising creative heads and corporate communication head in future.
The course materials are varied, ranging from print media, public relations, media management to the advertisement and creative writing. The most constant factor that facilitates the teaching process at Krupanidhi includes a critical and analytical framework to teach a unit per module. The syllabus is drawn from the theories as proposed by the contemporary theorists & thereby helps the student to acquire key skills. The students will study several papers refined by academic as well as industrial experts; viz, Photography, reporting, editing, advertisements, PR activities, Radio Journalism and other similar subjects.