Krupanidhi Group of Institutions

Campus Life

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Krupanidhi as an Institution has always been welcoming students not only across India but across the globe. Krupanidhi has a current enrolment of about 3500 students at its 11-acre campus in the south of the city. With the number of International students increasing every year, Krupanidhi has formed The International Student Council, also recognised as KISC, which is a representative council of all the International student communities.

International student council is the governing council that represents all international organisations on campus. KISC addresses international student’s issues and concerns with the College by representing a Council President. KISC organises events that promotes cross cultural understanding and awareness to bridge the gap between National and International and students on campus. President is elected by International student council with Board of Directors once in a year. New Council members are formed by the President after his election. Every department has two council members who represent their department. Calendar of events is formed every year for the International students. Council meeting is conducted once in a month to discuss various activities which will be held for the financial year. The main motto of the council meetings is to pair new incoming international student freshmen and sophomores with the current KISC members so that they can learn adjust to Kupanidhi culture.

KISC organises events that promotes cross cultural understanding and awareness to bridge the gap between National and International students on campus. Student council seeks to provide support to the international students at Krupanidhi Group of Institutions by hosting cultural program every year with aim of providing a space for international organisations, to get together. Various programs which benefit the international students such as Soft skill training and counselling are conducted frequently for their International students. Students across Karnataka take part in the events in Krupanidhi Group of Institutions. This is a program focused on pairing up native speakers of one country with another student, to allow for others to learn the language. KISC also works to promote the cultural understanding by organising various events, set up by the committees.

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