Krupanidhi Group of Institutions

Campus Life

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1 The KGI management committee shall play a definitive role in both the formation as well as dissolution of the Krupanidhi International Students’ Council (KISC).

  1. The KGI committee needs to be intimated about any upcoming KISC meetings and its agenda two days prior to the meeting date and the minutes of meeting need to be shared within two days post the meeting with the KGI committee via email.

  2. The KGI committee reserves all rights to govern and judge the conduct of affairs by KISC at all grounds.

  3. The KGI management shall have the final authority over approval or dismissal of any event planned out by KISC keeping in mind the KGI policies and the larger good of the KGI community.

  4. The Board of Management/ committee on its own initiative may remove a member from the International Student Council for misconduct that affects the values and behavior that a council member should exhibit.

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