Krupanidhi Group of Institutions

Campus Life

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Values and behaviour that a potential KISC member should exhibit.

Integrity: Serve as a positive example

One of the most important duties of an International Students’ Council member is to serve as an example for members of the student body. Members are usually required to be in good standing in their classes and they must strive to avoid behavioural issues during and after college hours. Generally, they are expected to be helpful, courteous, and positive during college hours.

Courage : Provide an open forum

One of the major duties of the KISC member is to provide a forum where other international students can voice their issues/problems and hence, act as a liaison between the student body and faculty or administration. If a student raises an issue with the student council, members are responsible for discussing the issue, making a recommendation, and bringing the problem and potential solutions to the Management Committee Desk.

Collaboration: Organize events

The members of KISC are also responsible for organizing various educational, skill development, sports as well as intercultural programs in collaboration with different departments and organizations to unite and aid in professional development of the international student community at KGI. The KISC members are solely responsible for planning, fund management, organization and execution of those events in the campus.All such events need to be approved by the management committee.

Empathy: Service to society

The Members of KISC should also try and grasp opportunities where they can promote participation of the international student community in social service projects like blood donation, community clean –up and so on that align with KGI’s mission. It is up to the KISC members to identify the area where they can be of most help and to form a plan to serve other members of the community.

Innovation: Think out of the box

It is also the prime responsibility of the members of KISC to promote new ideas and bring them to light and notice of the KGI community. As a team, they could also venture into possibilities of start-ups that could flourish from within the institute or give wings to the ideas that come from any other member of the International Student community at KGI. Innovation could also be in area of designing of new programmes for the students and as well as fund raising activities that will help material the ideas of the council. They should also be able to design events that give opportunity for more International Students to participate from outside of KGI, such that, the KGI international student community builds strong and amiable liaison with the International Student Community Outside KGI.

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