Krupanidhi Group of Institutions

Admission Procedure

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Admission Procedure

It is a confusing times for many a student when it comes to joining a course and the fear of whether they will be able to join the desired stream. We at Krupanidhi College understand this and are constantly adding easier and more accessible features through which we can make the process convenient for all of us who are involved.

Students can choose to apply online or offline. As is the case, there is a fee that you will have to pay to secure the application forms.

Online Application steps :

  • Students are first required to fill in the application form on the website.
  • Upload all the required documents.
  • After which they will be guided to the payment gateway to make the payment for the required application. Once the application fee is paid you will get a reference number which you will need for all future transactions.
  • A fee of Rs.1000 for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses.
  • Application fees for diploma courses are Rs.500.

Online Application steps :

  • Download the application forms from our website.
  • Fill up the required details.
  • Attach the required documents.
  • Make DD for the application fee in favour of the respective department*.
  • Courier the forms, required documents and the DD to the college
  • Or submit the same in person to the admissions office at the college or our regional centres.
  • Once the application fee is paid you will get a reference number which you will need for all future transactions including paying your tuition fee online when selected.

Once the application forms are received they are diligently reviewed by the board, if found eligible prospective students will be intimated through email or phone about their selection.

For MBA, the students who are selected will have to appear for a group discussion and an interview, details of the same will be conveyed once the documents are reviewed by the board. The MBA candidates will have to excel in all the fields and a selection based on the mark sheets alone will not suffice.

The selected students are required to pay the tuition fee online or in person at the college or regional centres before the due date failing which the admission stands cancelled. The fee payment can either be done via cash at the admissions counter in the college, through a DD, a bank transfer and online as well.

Fees once paid, will not be refunded at any cost. Students are to abide by all the rules which could change time to time based on the decision of the board and the need of the time.

  • If you have doubts about any area we have not covered here, you can mail in your enquiry to “” and the counsellors will call you and guide you through the whole process.
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